Andrea Bernardi


Andrea Bernardi is a freelance videomaker.

Since 2008 he is covering Foreign affairs with a focus on crisis areas. He has covered the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, the protests of the "Red Shirts" in Bangkok, the Egyptian revolution up to the fall of President Hosni Mubarak and the war in Libya. He lived for several years in Jerusalem and then in Kabul, Afghanistan.

Between August 2012 and April 2013 he was based in Antakya, Turkey, in order to cover the Syrian civil war. In Syria he worked in Aleppo and Province and the Provinces of Idlib, Hama and Latakia.

At the moment he is working and traveling frequently in Middle East and Asia. He has collaborated, and continues to collaborate, with Italian and foreign media including AFPTV, VICE NEWS, Al Jazeera International, RCN Noticias, RaiNews 24, Mediaset, Corriere della Sera TV, Il Fatto Quotidiano on-line, Lettera 43, Unimondo and Il Secolo XIX among others.