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Resource October 7, 2020

Reporting Environmental Challenges Through the Stories of Indigenous Communities (Webinar Recording)

Siona: Amazon’s Defenders Under Threat. Image by Tom Laffay. Colombia, undated.

Adiela, a Siona Indigenous leader, follows the spiritual guidance of her elders and clears landmines...

A view over the Putumayo River along the Ecuador-Colombia border. A still from the New Yorker film “SIONA: Amazon’s Defender’s Under Threat.” Image by Tom Laffay. Colombia, undated.
A view over the Putumayo River along the Ecuador-Colombia border. A still from the New Yorker film “SIONA: Amazon’s Defender’s Under Threat.” Image by Tom Laffay. Colombia, undated.

On September 15, 2020, the Pulitzer Center, in partnership with Fundación Gabo and Grupo ISA, presented the second seminar in a series on environmental journalism. 

Indigenous communities are facing an unprecedented combination of threats including environmental change and threats to cultural heritage, often driven by outside actors. Especially now, in the midst of a global pandemic, one may wonder what the future holds for those on the frontline. This seminar examined the work of journalists who cover these issues and work to shed light on the evolution of Indigenous stories and the adaptation of their communities.

Panelists: Nelly Luna, co-founder and editor for OjoPúblicoTom Laffay, filmmaker and visual journalist; and Amado Villafañe, visual journalist; in conversation with journalist Nathalie Iriarte.

The program was offered in both English and Spanish.

Journalists and activists, among others, discussed their in-depth research and reporting in sessions throughout September. For a complete list of the seminars, visit this page.