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Resource October 7, 2020

Reporting Environmental Challenges Through the Stories of Indigenous Communities (Webinar Recording)

Sam Crawford, a young cutter at the Tuxekan logging site, takes down a large tree early in the morning. Image by Joshua Cogan. United States, 2019.

Changing realities around climate and land stewardship are creating new possibilities around how...

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Multiple Authors
Image courtesy of Fundación Gabo.
Image courtesy of Fundación Gabo.

The protection of Indigenous and local communities is essential for ensuring a healthy environment and key in combating climate change and deforestation. In this session from September 29, 2020, journalists discussed how to cover and communicate local stories of livelihoods and resistance in the face of environmental change and globalization, the role of local communities in fighting global environmental challenges, and the positive, or sometimes unintended, consequences of initiatives that promote sustainable livelihoods.

The program was offered in both English and Spanish as part of a series on environmental journalism presented by the Pulitzer Center, in partnership with Fundación Gabo and Grupo ISA.

Panelists: Josh Cogan, photographer and anthropologist; Annika McGinnis, co-founder of InfoNile.org; and Disha Shetty, independent science journalist; in conversation with journalist Camilo Jiménez Santofimio.

Journalists and activists, among others, discussed their in-depth research and reporting sessions throughout September. For a complete list of the seminars, visit this page.