STORY Com explosivos e túneis, garimpo encurrala indígenas e Estado em terra superinvadida em 2023
December 19, 2023
STORY With Explosives and Tunnels, Mining Traps Indigenous People and the State in Super-Invaded Land in 2023 (Portuguese)
STORY Vidéo: Parc de Gishwati-Mukura: Entre Protection et Survie des Communautés Locales
STORY Video: Gishwati-Mukura Park: Between Protection and Community Survival
STORY Cameroun-Bénin : Conversion des forêts : L’agriculture industrielle l’emporte sur l’agriculture de subsistance
STORY Bibit Harapan di Tanah Batak
December 18, 2023
STORY Seeds of Hope in Batak Land (bahasa Indonesia)
STORY Ouganda-Burundi : Exploitation artisanale de l’or, une menace sanitaire et environnementale
STORY The Hidden Toll of Open Cast Gold Mining on Health, Environment: The Case of Uganda and Burundi (French)
STORY Video: Mereka yang Terdampak Pembangunan Ibu Kota Nusantara
December 16, 2023
STORY Video: Those Affected by the Development of the Archipelago's Capital City (bahasa Indonesia)
STORY Masyarakat Adat, Penjaga Hutan yang Sulit Akses Layanan Dasar
STORY Indigenous Peoples, Forest Guardians with Difficult Access to Basic Services (bahasa Indonesia)
STORY Semangat dari Hutan Adat Mukim Blang Birah
December 15, 2023
STORY The Spirit of Mukim Blang Birah's Indigenous Forest (bahasa Indonesia)
STORY Podcast: Un cacique, un periodista y una forma de salvar la Amazonía
STORY A Chief, a Journalist and a Way To Save Amazonia (Spanish)
STORY Bersetia Menjaga Hutan Adat, Rupiah Pun Mengalir
December 14, 2023