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Journalist Resource April 7, 2022

Virtual Coffee for Special Call with the Rainforest Journalism Fund Congo Basin

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David Akana
Congo Basin RJF Advisory Committee Member

The RJF Congo Basin-Pulitzer Center will hold a "virtual coffee" Meet & Greet on Tuesday, April 12, 2022, at 2:30 pm Kinshasa time. This is a Zoom meetup with a conversational format that will provide the opportunity to learn how to create a successful collaborative pitch. Interested journalists and media outlets will learn more about the eligibility criteria for proposals and have their questions answered. 

The RJF Congo Basin and Pulitzer Center recently launched a special call for proposals with an emphasis on collaborative reporting. The deadline to submit proposals is April 30, 2022.

Join the RJF-Pulitzer Center for an hour of tips and advice from experienced journalists David Akana, Alfred Tumba, and Rosie Pioth. Feel free to bring your questions!

REGISTER HERE to join the event on April 12: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87435153912?pwd=eEp3ZFdlZ1pVWXQxYWh4V2tvV0pLUT09

Read more about the presenters: 

David Akana is a Congo Basin advisory committee member, journalist, and media trainer with over two decades of experience in journalism, international communicationsm and knowledge management. Akana is the managing editor of InfoCongo, Central Africa's innovative and interactive news platform, and an occasional contributor to the commentary section of Reuters.

Alfred Ntumba is a Congo Basin advisory committee member. He is the head of ENVIRONEWS RDC, an environmental media organization that serves French-speaking Africa with an environmental information site, environews-rdc.org, and a television channel, ENVIRONEWS TV. Alfred is also a motivator and trainer, working with Congolese journalists to encourage their interest in environmental issues.

Rosie Pioth is a RJF grantee in the Congo Basin. She is a freelance journalist and a correspondent for France 24 and Associated Press Video in Congo-Brazzaville. Her passion for journalism has led her to work in radio, television, and print media. She is an advocate for young girls and women and is passionate about helping give a voice to the voiceless.

Augustine Kasambule is the Rainforest Journalism Fund Congo Basin regional coordinator at the Pulitzer Center. In addition to being the first point of contact with journalists, she leads the review process for funding candidates for the Rainforest Journalism Fund in collaboration with the Pulitzer Center team and the advisory committee. 

Detty Saluling is the manager of the Rainforest Journalism Fund at the Pulitzer Center. Prior to joining the Pulitzer Center, Detty was the communication coordinator at RECOFTC, a non-profit organization supporting people and forests. Since 2018, Detty has been the leader of the Asia-Pacific Forest Communicators Network, which is part of the FAO-hosted Global Network.