• Bianca Muniz

    Bianca Muniz is a journalism student at the University of São Paulo's School of Communications and Arts. She also holds a master's degree in science from the Federal University of São Paulo, where she...

    January 29, 2021
  • Photo of Leandro Chaves

    Leandro Chaves is a journalist. He was trained in social communications at the Federal University of Acre (UFAC - Universidade Federal do Acre) in Brazil. He has worked as a reporter, deputy editor...

    November 18, 2020
  • Photo of Guilherme Guerreiro Neto

    Guilherme Guerreiro Neto is a journalist and collaborates with the Suffocated Amazon project as a reporter in Pará. He worked in two editions of the fact-checking project Truco Eleições, from Agência...

    November 18, 2020
  • Rodrigo Menegat

    Rodrigo Menegat is a freelance data journalist from Brazil. In his work, he tries to connect journalism, computation and design. His work has been published in O Estado de S. Paulo, Folha de S. Paulo...

    November 18, 2020
  • Leonardo Fuhrmann

    Leonardo Fuhrmann is an investigative reporter focusing on human rights, politics and justice, with over 25 years' experience in newsrooms such as Brasil Econômico, Folha de S. Paulo, Agora São Paulo...

    October 23, 2020
  • Alceu Luís Castilho

    Alceu Luís Castilho is the general coordinator and editor-in-chief of the journalistic observatory De Olho nos Ruralistas (The Agribusiness Watch). He is the author of “Partido da Terra: como os...

    October 23, 2020
  • Sam Cowie


    Sam Cowie

    Sam Cowie is a British journalist based in São Paulo, Brazil. He is a regular contributor to The Guardian, Al Jazeera and the BBC where he has bi-weekly radio slot. He has reported from Brazil...

    October 16, 2020
  • Mariana della Barba

    Mariana Della Barba is the editor of Repórter Brasil. Before that, she worked at the Estadão newspaper, at Veja magazine, and for the São Paulo and London bureaus of BBC News. For her reporting on...

    October 16, 2020
  • Marcos de Lima

    Marcos de Lima is an infographics designer and illustrator. In Brazil, he has collaborated with publications such as Mundo Estranho, Superinteressante, and Galileu. Currently employed by Shake Design...

    October 6, 2020
  • Pedro Papini


    Pedro Papini

    Pedro Papini uses data science to analyze documents, data, and public information which he obtains through transparency portals, databases, and freedom of information laws. Self-taught, he has...

    October 1, 2020
  • Naira Hofmeister

    Naira Hofmeister has worked as a freelance journalist based out of Porto Alegre, Brazil since 2006. Over the course of her career, she has covered the social, political, and economic dimensions of...

    October 1, 2020