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    Meet the Southeast Asia Rainforest Journalism Fund Grantees The Southeast Asia Rainforest Journalism Fund has evolved into the Pulitzer Center Rainforest Reporting Grant. The Rainforest Reporting Grant supports and builds capacity for quality, independent journalism in three key regions: the Amazon

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    Inscreva-se para obter um subsídio do Rainforest Journalism Fund O Rainforest Journalism Fund (RJF), lançado em setembro de 2018, representa um importante investimento em reportagens internacionais sobre clima e meio ambiente. Por meio do Pulitzer Center, o Rainforest Journalism Fund planeja apoiar

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    Ajukan Dana Hibah Jurnalisme Hutan Hujan Dana Hibah Jurnalisme Hutan Hujan (RJF), diluncurkan pada bulan September 2018, merupakan suatu bentuk investasi besar dalam peliputan isu lingkungan hidup dan perubahan iklim skala internasional. Melalui Pulitzer Center, Dana Hibah Jurnalisme Hutan Hujan

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    Demander une subvention du Rainforest Journalism Fund Le Rainforest Journalism Fund (RJF), lancé en Septembre 2018, représente un investissement majeur dans le reporting environnemental et climatique international. Par le biais du Pulitzer Center, le Rainforest Journalism Fund prévoit de soutenir

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    Becas de periodismo

    Becas del Rainforest Journalism Fund El Rainforest Journalism Fund (RJF), lanzado en septiembre de 2018, representa una importante inversión para el periodismo ambiental y climático internacional. A través del Pulitzer Center, el Rainforest Journalism Fund planea apoyar cerca de 200 proyectos de

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    Apply for a Rainforest Reporting Grant Rainforests play a crucial role in maintaining biodiversity, regulating climate, and sustaining Indigenous communities. Rainforest reporting helps raise awareness about the importance of these ecosystems and the threats they face. The Rainforest Reporting Grant

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    Guia de Republicação Para o Rainforest Journalism Fund

    Você ou seu meio de comunicação estão interessados em republicar uma história apoiada pelo Rainforest Journalism Fund? O Rainforest Journalism Fund / Pulitzer Center não tem direitos de reimpressão para as reportagens, imagens, vídeos e áudio apresentados no nosso site. A seguir, as informações que

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    Pedoman Publikasi Ulang Hasil Liputan Dukungan Dana Hibah Jurnalisme Hutan Hujan (Rainforest Journalism Fund – RJF)

    Apakah Anda atau media Anda tertarik mempublikasi ulang cerita-cerita yang liputannya didukung oleh Dana Hibah Jurnalisme Hutan Hujan? Dana Hibah Jurnalisme Hutan Hujan/Pulitzer Center bukan pemegang hak dari cerita-cerita, gambar-gambar, video-video, dan audio yang ditampilkan di websitenya

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    Directives de republication du Rainforest Journalism Fund

    Êtes-vous, ou votre média, intéressé par la publication de n'importe quel article appuyé par le Rainforest Journalism Fund ? Le Rainforest Journalism Fund / Pulitzer Center ne détient pas les droits de republication des articles, images, vidéos et audio figurant sur son site Web. Voici ce que vous

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    Rainforest Journalism Fund Republication Guidelines

    Are you or your media outlet interested in republishing any of the stories supported by the Rainforest Journalism Fund? The Rainforest Journalism Fund / Pulitzer Center does not hold reprint rights for the stories, images, videos, and audio featured on its website. Here’s what you need to know: You

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    Chamada especial de propostas: A destruição da Amazônia em tempos de pandemia

    Um ano após a chegada da pandemia na Amazônia, a situação se tornou ainda mais dramática para as populações indígenas e comunidades tradicionais. A região também se tornou foco de variantes e mutações da covid-19, expondo riscos ainda maiores para as populações e o meio ambiente. A maior floresta

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    Convocatoria especial: Destrucción de la Amazonía en tiempos de pandemia

    Um ano após a chegada da pandemia na Amazônia, a situação se tornou ainda mais dramática para as populações indígenas e comunidades tradicionais. A região também se tornou foco de variantes e mutações da covid-19, expondo riscos ainda maiores para as populações e o meio ambiente. A maior floresta

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    Special Call for Proposals: The Destruction of the Amazon in Pandemic Times

    Um ano após a chegada da pandemia na Amazônia, a situação se tornou ainda mais dramática para as populações indígenas e comunidades tradicionais. A região também se tornou foco de variantes e mutações da covid-19, expondo riscos ainda maiores para as populações e o meio ambiente. A maior floresta

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    How the Rainforest Journalism Fund Began

    By the Rainforest Journalism Fund Amazon Advisory Committee The seed for the Rainforest Journalism Fund was planted and nurtured in Brazil by a group of locally-based correspondents who were concerned the Amazon was underreported, even though it is one of the biggest stories of our age, or any age

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    Privacy Policy

    The Rainforest Journalism Fund and the Pulitzer Center are committed to protecting the privacy of all individuals who visit, subscribe to our email newsletters, or submit personal information to us directly through the internet or at in-person events. What We Know About

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    Privacy Policy

    The Rainforest Journalism Fund and the Pulitzer Center are committed to protecting the privacy of all individuals who visit, subscribe to our email newsletters, or submit personal information to us directly through the internet or at in-person events. What We Know About

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    Privacy Policy

    The Rainforest Journalism Fund and the Pulitzer Center are committed to protecting the privacy of all individuals who visit, subscribe to our email newsletters, or submit personal information to us directly through the internet or at in-person events. What We Know About