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Pulitzer Center Update Abril 25, 2023

Webinar Recording: A Talk on Gastro-colonialism

Limbung Pangan1 Papua

The food estate project has become a nightmare for indigenous peoples and the last tropical forest...

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The Pulitzer Center’s Rainforest Journalism Fund (RJF) hosted a webinar with grantee Ahmad Arif, researcher Dr. Sophie Chao, and activist Franky Samperante on the Arif's RJF reporting project Hungry People at Merauke Food Estate. RJF Southeast Asia Coordinator Harry Surjadi moderated the April 10 event and audience Q&A, and RJF Manager Detty Saluling introduced the event. 


RJF views scientific reporting as one of the most critical and valuable fields that enhances public understanding of rainforests and the environment. Scientific knowledge expands concepts, adds nuance, and strengthens rainforest reporting.

To continue strengthening the capacity for quality environmental and scientific reporting, RJF presents this webinar that discusses reporting on gastro colonialism and the intersections the report presents. This talk expanded on key issues reported on for the RJF-supported project, Hungry People at Merauke Food Estate.


  • What is gastro colonialism, why is the issue critical, and why it needs to be reported;
  • How to apply academic and scientific knowledge to your day-to-day reporting;
  • Relevant techniques and approaches to sensitive reporting subjects; and
  • Why and how academic research and studies are key to elevating reports.


  • Ahmad Arif is a journalist for Harian Kompas and lead journalist on the project Hungry People at Merauke Food Estate.
  • Sophie Chao is a researcher studying gastro colonialism at the Department of Anthropology at the University of Sydney in Australia.
  • Franky Samperante is a member of the NGO Yayasan Pusaka Bentala Rakyat, Indonesia, which promotes Indigenous rights.


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