María Verza


María Verza began reporting in the mid 90's for several local radio stations and outlets before joining Agencia EFE and later Fax Press, a Spanish independent press agency. There, she was in charge of foreign affairs for a decade (1999-2009). Some of her main covertures were in Middle East conflict, Iraq war, US and European elections, Maghreb and European Union affairs or the Indonesian tsunami.

María arrived in Mexico in 2009, when narcowar was spreading, where she's been also covering Central America and Caribbean. She has collaborated as a reporter/producer with several international TVs (ESPN, ABC Australia, Al Jazeera), for national Spanish radios (Onda Cero, Cadena Cope) and for El Mundo newspaper, before beginning a steady collaboration with the Associated Press in 2014.

She has been a staffer for AP since February 2019.