Introduction to Global Forest Watch Resources for Journalists (Webinar)
Event Date:
April 16, 2020 | 10:00 PM
The Pulitzer Center's Rainforest Journalism Fund hosted a webinar, "Introduction to Global Forest Watch Resources for Journalists." The webinar features World Resources Institute (WRI) Indonesia and introduce Global Forest Watch (GFW), a global forest monitoring database that uses innovative technology to help identify when, where, and why forest cover is lost.
Viewers will discover tools and resources that journalists can use to tell dynamic stories about forests from the local to global scale. Viewers will also get an introduction to GFW and WRI and the technology they use to track deforestation and learn about important tools and resources from the GFW platform. Finally, the webinar also showcases examples of reporting that uses GFW data or other features from around the world. Links to accompanying demonstrations can be found below:
Getting Started with Global Forest Watch: How to Register
Getting Started with Global Forest Watch: Siberut Case Study for Special Features
Getting Started with Global Forest Watch: Analyzing Data in Specific Areas
Getting Started with Global Forest Watch: Exploring Country or Area Data
This free, 1.5-hour webinar was hosted in English. While designed for journalists and storytellers, it may be of interest to the public. The event took place on April 17, 2020.
"Introduction to Global Forest Watch Resources for Journalists" was the first in a series of webinars hosted by the Southeast Asia Rainforest Journalism Fund, an initiative of the Pulitzer Center.
Contact (Rainforest Journalism Fund): [email protected] and/or [email protected].
Contact (Hidayah Hamzah, Global Forest Watch Coordinator, World Resources Institute - Indonesia): [email protected]