“Women make up about half of those who migrate internationally and within their own countries,” journalist Aurora Almendral writes in the introduction to “Women on the Move.” She continues, “Some are pulled by the promise of a better future, but for those who face famine or danger in their home countries, migration is a gamble for their very survival.”

“Women on the Move” documents the life-changing and often perilous journeys of eight female migrants through photography and print journalism. Led by journalist and National Geographic contributing writer Almendral and photographers from The Everyday Projects, this project examines different reasons that women migrate, the challenges they face along the way, and the difficulties and hopes they experience when they arrive in a new place. Click here to visit the project on the National Geographic website. 

The “Women on the Move” curricular resources below include a central lesson plan, reading guides for each of the eight stories, a graphic organizer to explore common themes and experiences in the various articles, a lesson plan focused on analyzing infographics in the project, and information about how to connect a photojournalist to your classroom for a virtual presentation.

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