José María León


José María León is an editor and long-form journalist. In 2011 he founded GK, one of Ecuador's leading media outlets. His work has a concentration on human rights and gender and environmental conflicts.

His work has appeared in Etiqueta Negra and Etiqueta Verde, as well as in other publications such as Diners Ecuador, SoHo Ecuador, SoHo Colombia, and Courrier International of France.

José María León is a two-time Premio Gabo finalist, one for his work in Tierra de Resistentes, where he edited and wrote a long-form profile of Indigenous leader Patricia Gualinga, and the other for his work in "Deadly Border," a transnational story on the assassination of three Ecuadorian journalists in 2008.

He has instructed several journalism workshops on reporting, fact-checking, and editing, and is The New York Times reporter for Ecuador.

He is one of the authors of Perdimos, a book on the most improbable corruption stories of Latin America, edited by Martín Caparrós and Diego Fonseca. He is fluent in three languages:  Spanish, English, and German.