Moira Brown


Dr. Moira Brown is a Senior Scientist with the Canadian Whale Institute/Campobello Whale Rescue Team and a Scientist Emeritus at the New England Aquarium. She has worked with the Right Whale Research Team at the Anderson Cabot Center since 2003. Before, she was a research scientist at the Center for Coastal Studies in Provincetown, MA, and a professor at the College of the Atlantic in Bar Harbor, ME. She has focused on research and conservation issues of right whales in the western North Atlantic since 1985, when she joined the Right Whale Research Team as a volunteer. Her objective is to apply the results of right whale research to work with industry and government to develop, implement, and monitor measurable mitigation measures to reduce the risk of vessel strikes. She has many years of experience working in partnership with the shipping and commercial fishing industries in Canada and internationally through industry-focused stewardship programs. By collaborating with the shipping and commercial fishing industries as well as various agencies in the Canadian federal government, Moira aims to help marine industries provide maximum protection for right whales with minimal disruption to their operations.