How did the COVID-19 pandemic reach the largest forest on the planet?
Listen to the voices of indigenous, quilombola and riverine people from different parts of the Amazon in this series in five episodes. They explain how the story of destruction in the region where they live relates to the cruel impact of the coronavirus in 2020. This is a project of Le Monde Diplomatique Brasil, with support from the Rainforest Journalism Fund in partnership with the Pulitzer Center. A production by Fábio Zuker and Trovão Mídia.
In this podcast, you will hear about how the new coronavirus has impacted the lives of Amazonian populations. These are stories of destruction and violence. After all, pathogens such as viruses and bacteria have always been allies in the attempt to create a void that would allow the colonial domination of the largest forest on the planet to expand even further. But they are also stories of resistance and struggle. Here you will hear voices of those who seek to build another future in this mythical place, biodiverse, but also urban and where cutting-edge scientific research is done.
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