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Pablo Albarenga at International Society of Tropical Foresters Conference


Event Date:

February 1, 2020 | 1:30 PM TO 3:00 PM EST


Kroon Hall, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
195 Prospect St

New Haven, CT 06511

An Indigenous Rikbaktsa woman cleaning on the banks of the Arinos River, north of Mato Grosso. Although the project of the Castanheira plant ensures that the various Indigenous lands, including the Apiaka, Rikibaktsa, Kaiabi, Munduruku and Tapajuna, would not be affected by the flood, the hydrographic alteration would leave the entire village deprived of resources it depends on so much for their subsistence food and for their sacred rituals.

A series of reports on the threats and resistance activities linked to the defence of the last river...

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Multiple Authors
Joane beside a bonfire used to burn plastic waste. Image by Pablo Albarenga. Brazil, 2019.
Joane beside a bonfire used to burn plastic waste. Image by Pablo Albarenga. Brazil, 2019.

Pulitzer Center grantee Pablo Albarenga will share his reporting experiences during "On-the-Ground Rainforest Journalism: Telling Stores of Resistance and Repair" at the Yale University International Society of Tropical Foresters Conference on Saturday, February 1, 2020.

Albarenga has reported on environmental activists and defenders in Brazil for multiple Pulitzer Center-supported projects, including "The Last River" and "How Young Indigenous, Quilombola, and Riverine People from the Tapajós River Are Becoming Rainforest Defenders." Joining him for the panel discussion is Nelly Luna Amancio, founder and editor of Ojo Publico in Peru. During the panel, both journalists will share their expertise in reporting on rainforest issues. 

The theme of the ISTF 2020 Annual Conference is "Restoration for What and for Whom? Shifting the Paradigm in Tropical Forest Management." The conference brings together scientists, activits, policy makers, journalists, and others.

For more information and a full schedule, visit the ISTF website.