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Webinar - Fotoperiodismo en Territorios Indígenas: Aprendizajes y Desafíos

Event Date:

February 19, 2020 | 1:00 PM
Sunrise on the Arinos River in the North of Mato Grosso, over Rikbaktsa indigenous lands. Image by Pablo Albarenga. Brazil, 2019.

Three Rainforest Defender Series stories of resistance and innovation in the Achuar Territory of the...

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Multiple Authors
Image by Pablo Albarenga. Ecuador, 2019. 
Image by Pablo Albarenga. Ecuador, 2019.

On February 19, 2020, at 1:00 PM ETAgenda Propia, in partnership with DemocraciaAbierta, is hosting a webinar inviting you to reflect on the challenges and opportunities faced by photojournalists aiming to tell stories and illustrate the diversity of experiences and realities across Indigenous communities.

This is an opportunity to reflect on the role of photojournalism, past and present, in the representation of Indigenous communities in Latin America. For one hour, three photojournalists with experience across Latin America will discuss how images have been used as a tool for colonialization or a way to "other" communities, and to highlight the importance of incorporating communities' own narratives in representing them.

The objective is for the webinar to be a space for people to share their experiences in pushing back against singular narratives or stereotypes usually associated with photographing Indigenous communities.

The event is free and open to the public and features Pablo Albarenga, Pulitzer Center & Rainforest Journalism Fund grantee.

The webinar will be hosted in Spanish. Click here to register.