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Pulitzer Center Update Juni 6, 2023

Webinar Recording: Continuing the Work of Dom Phillips / Continuando o Trabalho de Dom Phillips


person in the forest

Repórter Brasil presents a long-term multimedia investigative journalism project on the...

After the disappearance of journalist Dom Phillips and Indigenous expert Bruno Pereira in the Brazilian Amazon on June 5, 2022, the Pulitzer Center’s Amazon Rainforest Journalism Fund (RJF) launched a special Call for Proposals: Covering the Violations to the Amazon Forest in Vale do Javari

Repórter Brasil, an independent investigative journalism outlet, was one of the recipients of the grant. The team, led by Daniel Camargos, produced the documentary Reports from a War Correspondent in the Amazon. The documentary is coming soon; watch the trailer here.

Together with Repórter Brasil and journalism nonprofit Forbidden Stories, the Pulitzer Center hosted a webinar going “behind the scenes” of the documentary. Participants at the event also discussed Phillips' legacy and what is being done to continue his work, the political context of the Brazilian Amazon, and the urgent need for journalists to safeguard their investigations.

Watch the webinar, which is available on YouTube, above.

The panelists included:

  • Daniel Camargos, Repórter Brasil journalist, a Pulitzer Center RJF grantee, and a Rainforest Investigations Network Fellow
  • Laurent Richard, executive director of Forbidden Stories
  • Verónica Goyzueta, Pulitzer Center Amazon RJF coordinator
  • Jonathan Watts, Amazon RJF Advisory Committee Member