A collection of reporting projects from Pulitzer Center grantees. Each project may include several pieces of content, including articles, radio stories, videos, and data interactives.
As illegal gold mining spreads across the largest rainforest, this project looks at its brutal...
A Kenyan community of herdsmen have been on the move for five years in search of pasture, they are...
Our project demonstrates the consequences of the decline in family farmland.
Ce projet illustre les conséquences du déclin des terres agricoles familiales.
Social forestry is a hope for forest sustainability.
Perhutanan sosial diklaim sebagai solusi bagi pelestarian hutan di Indonesia.
Illegal gold mining threatens the biodiversity of Kerinci Seblat National Park.
Penambangan emas ilegal menebang pohon-pohon endemik, memicu migrasi hewan, dan mencemari sungai.
A Land of Rights
While social movements grow stronger and press for agrarian reform, political groups and landowners...