Karen Gil


Karen Gil is a Bolivian investigative journalist, documentary filmmaker, and actress. She is the director of the digital magazine La Brava. As a journalist, she specializes in covering human rights, with a focus on women and Indigenous peoples. 

She is a member of the journalistic coordination and mentoring team for the Escazú Agreement and Human Rights Journalism Program, an initiative of Climate Tracker / FES Mexico.

Gil is the author of the documentary Detrás del TIPNIS (2012) and of the book of chronicles Tengo otros sueños, seis historias de vida y lucha de la mujer boliviana (Plural Editores, 2018), as well as the co-author of Días de furia: relatos de mujeres periodistas sobre su cobertura de los conflictos postelectorales en Bolivia en 2019 (KAS, 2020).

In 2016, Gil was the recipient of Bolivia's National Journalism Award, in its digital category, for the collaborative report "Ser autoridad mujer en una Bolivia machista."

Karen Gil headshot