Rogério Assis
Rogério Assis began his professional life in 1988, documenting Indigenous groups for the Emílio Goeldi Museum in Belém.
Since 1990 Assis has worked for several news organizations in Brazil (O Estado de S.Paulo, Folha de S.Paulo, the website Fotosite, and Pororoca Magazine), as well as on long-running projects published in books and exhibitions.
He is the author of ZO’É (Ed. Terceiro Nome), D. BRAZI (BEI Ed.); MATO? (Ed. OLHAVÊ) and VIAGEM AO SUL DO REAL (Ed. Origem).
In 2014 he won the culture and environment tender of Banco da Amazônia and developed the project Esse Rio É Minha Rua (This River Is My Street), on the daily life of the Boa Esperança riverside community.