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Story Publication logo June 25, 2021

A Carbon Fund and Trees of Hope in a Corner of Jambi's Forest (bahasa Indonesia)


CNN Indonesia

Since receiving the village forest permit, a community has formed a group to manage a forest area.

Warga mendapatkan berkah dengan menjaga hutan di Desa Durian Rambun, Jambi setelah sebelumnya rusak karena aktivitas bisnis besar.
Ilustrasi hutan. ANTARA FOTO/Wahdi Septiawan. Indonesia.

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — This small place in Muara Siau District, Merangin Regency, Jambi is the Durian Rambun Village. It is not easy to access the far reaches the remote hamlet — it takes at least 10 hours from downtown Jambi. We even had to stay one night in downtown Bangko before reaching Durian Rambun Village. The road to get there is steep, winding, and rocky.

Unlike the five hamlets in the Bujang Raba Protected Area, the residents of Durian Rambun Village have lived in the shadow of the destruction of their land for years. Their forests are controlled by multinational companies holding forest tenure rights permits or HPHs.

The story excerpt above was translated from bahasa Indonesia. To continue reading the original bahasa Indonesia story in full, visit CNN Indonesia. You may also view the original story on the Rainforest Journalism Fund website here. Our website is available in English, Spanish, bahasa Indonesia, French, and Portuguese.