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Story Publication logo January 16, 2023

DRC. Tshopo, Yangambi Landscape. Successful Agrofarming (French)


Lutte contre la déforestation au cœur du Bassin du Congo. Paysage de Yangambi, poumon du monde en réanimation

Fifteen projects for nearly $50 million have been implemented to fight against deforestation. What...


This story excerpt was translated from French. To read the original story in full, visit Arte Radio. You may also view the original story on the Rainforest Journalism Fund website. Our website is available in English, Spanish, bahasa Indonesia, French, and Portuguese.

Audio by Arte Radio.

Tshopo—DRC, territory of Isangi. Straddling the Congo River, the Yangambi landscape is well known for the Yangambi Biosphere Reserve, 25 thousand hectares of forest, located in the city of the same name, downstream from the Congo River, one hundred kilometers from Kisangani. For ten years, environmental organizations have been flocking there to fight against deforestation. Projects as long as short intended for the economic activities of farmers to reduce their dependence on the forests. In the wake of this, a series of organizations characterized by method and a very long-term vision have arrived.

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With the support of the Rainforest Journalism Fund (RJF) in partnership with the Pulitzer Center, reporters Orphée Fundi and Jean Fundi Kiparamoto, armed with pen, tape recorder and camera, set out for Yangambi, the El Dorado.