This story excerpt was translated from Portuguese. To read the original story in full, visit Agência Pública. You may also view the original story on the Rainforest Journalism Fund website here. Our website is available in English, Spanish, bahasa Indonesia, French, and Portuguese.

About 200 indigenous people from the Javari Valley gathered late June 23, in front of the regional coordination of Funai (National Indian Foundation) in Atalaia do Norte (AM) with banners and posters calling for protection for the region and Justice for the murders of Bruno Pereira, Dom Phillips, and Maxciel Pereira and with criticism of the federal government and the president of the agency in Brasilia, Marcelo Xavier. Posters called for "out with Xavier."
Indigenous people and Funai advocates asked for justice for the murders of the indigenist Bruno and the journalist Dom, which occurred on the 5th of last month in the Itaquaí River, and the indigenist Maxciel, who was shot dead in Tabatinga (AM) in 2019.

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The Funai advocates called for June 30 protests across the country and a 24-hour strike. According to INA (Indigenous Associates) there were some 40 to 52 protest pockets in the country.
During the protest in Atalaia do Norte, the Kanamari chief Eduardo Dyanim spoke into the microphone: "Here in the region of Itaquaí, on the Curuçá [river], we want the presence of the State, the Federal Police, the Army, and Ibama to protect our territory. Because if we, an indigenous person dies, we will also react. This has to be made very clear to the non-indigenous invaders as well. I'm just going to wait. If an indigenous person dies in the Javari Valley, we are also going to react."