An English summary of this report is below. The original report, published in bahasa Indonesia in Kompas, follows.
Harvested cassava is a mainstay of carbohydrate intake during the dry season for the Boti Tribe in the interior of Timor Island, Kie District, South Central Timor Regency, East Nusa Tenggara.
The barren soil is dug slowly, using a small tree trunk with a sharp tip. Slowly, six cassava yams the size of three adults are revealed. Then, the tree trunk is uprooted. The 15 kilograms of cassava were also uprooted. The harvested cassava is a mainstay of carbohydrate intake during the dry season for the Boti Tribe in the interior of Timor Island, Kie District, South Central Timor Regency, East Nusa Tenggara.
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