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Story Publication logo September 22, 2022

What Does Your Food Have To Do With the Invasion of Indigenous Land?



As global demand for some of the most popular agricultural commodities continues to grow, the...


The Mỹky Indigenous community have been living in the Amazon for hundreds of years. But ranchers are encroaching on the Mỹky territory—and beef from their cattle has entered a murky supply chain that involves Nestlé, Burger King, and McDonald's.

Video courtesy of the Bureau of Investigative Journalism. Brazil, 2022.

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Read the story: thebureauinvestigates.com/stories/2022-09-13/nestle-used-brazilian-beef-from-seized-indigenous-land

Filming: Coletivo Ijã Mytyli de Cinema Manoki e Mỹky
Production: Elena Cresci
Reporters: Elisângela Mendonça, Andrew Wasley, and Fábio Zuker