Isabella Bernal Vega
Journalism Fund
Isabella Bernal Vega brings together her interests on economics and nature to build stories that reflect the social and ecological effects of humans' relationship with the Earth. She studied journalism at Universidad Javeriana in Bogota, Colombia, and completed her master's in peace, conflict, and development at Bradford University, UK.
For eight years, Bernal has worked as a video producer and writer in Colombia. In 2015, Bernal directed the multimedia project Sanar Narrando, awarded by the Association of Journalists of Bogotá. In 2017, she worked as a government consultant during the Colombian peace process with the FARC guerrillas while producing the documentary film La Paz, awarded by the FICCI festival in Cartagena. In 2018, she was nominated for the Latinamerican Gabriel García Márquez journalism prize with her documentary, Colombia's Hidden Cocaine Route: El Naya. In 2019, she graduated from the Documentary Practice and Visual Journalism program at the International Center of Photography in New York, where she was the recipient of the Wall Street Journal Scholarship.