Project June 13, 2022

Season II: Rainforest Defenders



The Rainforest Defenders series, published internationally by The Guardian, El País, and other reputable media, has had a huge impact, and in January 2021 received a Gabo Award, the most prestigious journalism recognition in Iberoamerica.

Hosting almost 70% of the Amazon rainforest, Brazil deserves another season.

Considering the Amazon’s vastness and how our world changed during the pandemic, we believe that to address the diverse realities affecting the Amazon, we need to visit different, distant regions. 

From Belo Monte, one of the world's biggest hydroelectric power dams that is strangling the Xingú river and its communities, to the Yanomami lands, recently invaded by more than 20,000 illegal miners, a new Rainforest Defenders’ season will bring 3 to 4 powerful stories of young leaders fighting back the never-ending story of colonization and extractivism.