Story Publication logo October 13, 2021

Documentary: 'BR Acima de Tudo' (Portuguese)


aerial view of a road cutting through the Amazon forest

Bolsonaro plans to build a road and a hydroelectric dam in Calha Norte do Pará, the most preserved...

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Multiple Authors

The brief synopsis below was translated from Portuguese. To read this page in Portuguese, visit the documentary website at O Eco or the Rainforest Journalism Fund website here. Our website is available in English, Spanish, bahasa Indonesia, French, and Portuguese.

In the north of the state of Pará lies the largest protected forest area in the world. An expanse of Amazon rainforest the size of the United Kingdom is home to a myriad of stories. Indigenous people, cattle ranchers, settlers, quilombolas, land owners, and politicians reflect in their own ways the impacts of the possible expansion of the BR-163 highway into the forest, all the way to the border with Suriname. The highway project was conceived during the military dictatorship, and to this day hangs like a shadow over the region. But this is not a film about a road. It is a film about the abysses that separate those who share the same land.

Watch the trailer for BR Acima de Tudo above in Portuguese.

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