This story excerpt was translated from Portuguese. To watch the original video in full, visit TV Cultura. Our website is available in English, Spanish, bahasa Indonesia, French, and Portuguese.

Produced by TV Cultura in partnership with the Pulitzer Center and the Amazon Rainforest Journalism Fund, Women of the Forest pays tribute to those who give life, nourish, hydrate, protect, and sustain current and future generations of the Amazon. Among its stories are Txai Surui's, the student who called the world's attention by speaking at COP26; Daniela Silva's, the voice of the women of the Xingu in the fight against the ecocide promoted by the installation of the Belo Monte Dam; and Mayalu Txucarramãe's, Raoni's granddaughter. Sônia Guajajara, Juma Xipaia, Maria Apurinã, Ivaneide Bandeira, Thelma Taurepang, Natalha Teófilo, Maria Francineide, Maria Miguel, and many others, plant seeds of conservation.
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