Olinda Muniz Silva Wanderley
Journalism Fund
Olinda Muniz Silva Wanderley, of the Tupinambá and Pataxó Hã-Hã-Hãe ethnic group, is a journalist, photographer, screenwriter, director, and film producer. She is an activist for Indigenous and environmental causes. She graduated in 2015 in Social Communication with a major in Journalism from FACIIP (Faculdades Integradas Ipitanga).
Her professional life began in 2004, through the NGO THYDEWA, when she started working as a content producer for the Indians Online project. She also worked in text production for the book "Indios na Visão dos Índios Pataxó Hã-hã-hã-hãe", and for Arco Digital, a network for learning to fish.
In 2015, she released her first documentary, "Retomar para Existir," about the story of Indigenous cacique leader Nailton Pataxó. In June 2017, she began working with local production, and was a production assistant on the film "A Woman, A Village," from the production company Inspirar - Ideias e Ideais. In the same year, she screened her first film at Cine Kurumin - Indigenous Film Festival, as well as working as the festival's content generator for social media during the event. In 2018, she produced her first feature film, "Women Who Feed" and, in 2020, her first fiction/documentary film, "Kaapora O Chamado das Matas."
In 2020, she was the curator of the meeting "Unidas, Mulheres em Diálogos," promoted by Goethe Institute Bahia. In 2021, she was co-author and character curator of the special documentary "Falas da Terra," by TV Globo (Globo Comunicação e Participações S/A). In the same year, she was a volunteer speaker at the Voices of the Forest project, gave support to young Indigenous people at COP 26, and acted as coordinator of the Kaapora socio-environmental project.