Paula Mónaco Felipe
Journalism Fund
Paula Mónaco Felipe is a freelance journalist.
She was a researcher for the documentary VIVOS (Ai Weiwei, 2020), a line producer and researcher for the documentary Blood on the Wall (National Geographic/Junger Quested, 2020), a production assistant for Los Días de Ayotzinapa (Netflix, 2019), and a producer for Skin of Sky, Blood of Heaven (Andrea Bussman, fiction, in progress).
Felipe is the winner of the 2019 Mexican National Journalism Award. She wrote the book Ayotzinapa, horas eternas and is co-author of three other books: Palabras como golpes, como balas (Rayuela, 2019), Let's Talk About Your Wall (The New Press, 2020), and Ya no somos las mismas y aquí sigue la guerra (Grijalbo, 2020). She also wrote the investigative reports "Ya nadie publica eso" (2019) and "Abriendo grietas" (2020).
She has written for The New York Times, Gatopardo, and La Jornada, among other media, and is co-founder and editor of She was a correspondent in Mexico for teleSUR and El Telégrafo.