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Story Publication logo April 29, 2020

Audio: Pará Contained 44 Percent of the Deforestation in the Legal Amazon Between February and March (Portuguese)


Deforestation of the Amazon rainforest. Image by Shutterstock. Brazil, 2019.

The fires in the Brazilian Amazon became news everywhere in the last half of 2019. They alerted to...

Pará contained a large part of the deforestation in the Amazon Legal. Image courtesy CBN.
Pará contained a large part of the deforestation in the Amazon Legal. Image courtesy CBN.

Data from INPE's latest survey shows that an area of 62 square kilometers of forest have been destroyed in Pará between February and March. These findings are discussed in the second episode of the series, "Deforestation in the Amazon: Causes, Impacts, and Solutions," a partnership between CBN Amazônia Belém and the Rainforest Journalism Fund with the Pulitzer Center.

To read the story in Portuguese, click here.

Dados do último levantamento divulgado pelo Inpe apontam uma área de 62 km² de floresta destruída. É o que revela o segundo episódio da série 'Desmatamento na Amazônia: causas, reflexos e soluções', uma parceria da CBN Amazônia Belém com a Rainforest Journalism Fund e o Pulitzer Center.