A collection of reporting projects from Pulitzer Center grantees. Each project may include several pieces of content, including articles, radio stories, videos, and data interactives.
The diversity of food sources and culture which is the foundation of a sustainable local food system...
The Grand Experiment
Scientists in the Amazon are building an experiment what could determine whether increases CO2 in...
Journalists look into rosewood trafficking in Senegal.
This investigation focuses on 10 years after a group of 10 NGOs sued Bollore group, Socfin in a...
The grey areas of the traceability of the meat coming from deforested areas of the Amazon in...
In the Bolivian Amazon jungle, Indigenous guardians fight against deforestation, fires, drug...
En la selva amazónica boliviana, los guardianes Indígenas luchan contra la deforestación, incendios...
Ashaninka: Planters of Forests
The Ashaninka combine traditional customs with the ideals of sustainability, such as the...
Os Ashaninka combinam os costumes tradicionais com os ideais de sustentabilidade, como o sistema...